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Moving with Kids: Road Trip Edition

Moving with Kids: Road Trip Edition

This post was originally written on February 9, 2018, in Texas. Traveling with kids can feel daunting. Spending five straight days in a car with a three-year-old, while five months pregnant, can feel downright overwhelming (can you ever just be “whelmed”?) (name that movie!) In 

Pre-Move Purging in 5 Easy Steps

Pre-Move Purging in 5 Easy Steps

This post was originally written on February 8, 2018, when we lived in California. I lived in the same house from birth through college. I collected a lot of stuff back then. After high school, I lived in four dorms in four years, then four 

Pack Rat Reformed: Moving Cross-Country

Pack Rat Reformed: Moving Cross-Country

This post was originally written on March 18, 2015 when we lived in California. A.K.A: Getting Rid of Half Your Stuff Fast and Moving Cross-Country I used to be a pack rat. Not one of those people you see on Hoarders (my husband might tell 

Why Blog?

Why Blog?

From as early as I remember, I wanted to be a writer. There were some interim phases that included archaeologist, gymnast, choreographer, flautist, and sound technician, but mostly these didn’t come to fruition. I started writing “novels” as early as 3rd grade. First handwritten, then